Ten Important Brain Facts Parents Should Know – Infant
Infant Brain Development
- The first brain cell is born two days after conception and two weeks after conception it is expanding at 500,000 cells a minute.
- At birth the brain will have 100 billion neurons, only 17% are activated.
- The brain activates from the bottom to the top and from the back to the front.
- Each brain cell has a short and finite time frame in which it can be activated. If the individual cell does not get activated within that time frame, it dies and will never be replaced.
- 80 billion of the 100 billion total cells are activated or die before the child reaches their 6th birthday.
- Each activated brain cell can maintain between 10,000 and 15,000 synapses or connections to other brain cells. Each cell we activate creates a huge multiplier effect on the future success of the child.
- The brain produces 800 neurological connections for every second it is properly stimulated.
- Repetition is key to brain development. The more times a child hears a correct answer the stronger the neural pathway.
- Social and emotional pathways are cemented after a single occurrence while things such as colors, shapes, letters and numbers require hundreds of repetitions to create the link.
- Newly formed synapses are very fragile. They get cemented during sleep. Enough sleep is absolutely critical for proper brain development.
Knowing this – makes you wonder what type of child care / pre-school or daycare should you look for your child. Call us at 770-279-7700 or Contact Us